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Specific Crop - Specific Nutrient Solution 

Commercial farm formula for hydroponics, fertilised irrigation, sprinklers, foliar application, greenhouse and open field.



Formulated with nutrients that target the growth of roots and stems. When using NutriHydro Lettuce nutrient solution, the crop in its first 2 weeks will focus its energy in growing its roots and stems. Once the roots and stems are established, leaf growth follows. Leaves that will follow after are huge, lush, and healthy, perfect for your own consumption or for commercial sale.

Lettuce nutrient solution

Leafy Greens

NutriHydro leafy greens formula is a 3-part dry solution mixed in farm nutrient tanks. It is intended for swift plant uptake through hydroponics, watering on soil, drip method, or foliar spray.It is very important to use the NutriHydro CFF Macronutrient Pack together with NutriHydro's CFF Companion Nutrients (calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate).

At Work on the Farm
Leafy greens fertilizer

Fruit Bearing

NutriHydro Fruit Bearing (CFF) Commercial Farm Formula is a 3 part dry solution mixed in farm nutrient tanks or pre-mixed and water over soil. NutriHydro CFF is intended for swift plant uptake through hydroponics, aeroponics, watering on soil, drip irrigation, fertigation, or foliar spray. 

Nutrihydro CFF Fruit Bearing 500 ml


A potassium and phosphate enriched nutrient specifically designed for use with melons and family of fruits. The correct amount of nitrogen at the early stage will ensure the growth of the crops and increased quantity of phosphorus and potassium at a later stage ensure rich root growth followed by flowering and eventual fruiting. It is composed of macronutrients, micronutrients, and trace elements including very high-quality chelated iron.

NuytriHydro CFF Melon 500 ml


Two-stage nutrient formula - the first stage dosing focuses on foliage growth necessary for the energy requirement of berries to flower and fruit. The second stage nutrient dosing for berries provides appropriate amounts of phosphorus to ensure root growth, health, and abundant amounts of potassium needed to flower and fruit. It is composed of macronutrients, micronutrients, and trace elements including very high-quality chelated iron.

NutriHydro CFF Berries 500 ml


A well-balanced plant nutrient perfect for use across a huge variety of peppers. It contains high quality nitrogen to provide growth to crops and equally high-quality phosphorus and potassium necessary for crops' source of energy to fruit and flower. When used for foliar application in addition to root feeding, it stimulates cell viability, promotes flower bud distribution, balances nutrient transformation, strong foliage providing bright fruit luster and neat shape.

NutriHydro CFF Peppers 500 ml

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